We are looking for caring adults to match with local children and develop a long-lasting relationship. By being a supportive adult that focuses on the child’s interests, strengths and aspirations rather than the deficits in their environment, you will grow an unbreakable bond.
Steps to become a BIG Brother or Sister
Be 21 years old and have a valid driver’s license, transportation, and insurance
Participate in a Volunteer Orientation Session
Provide references
Submit to a criminal history record check
Participate in an in-person interview
Undergo an assessment of your home environment
Work with a Match Support Specialist to find a Little Brother or Little Sister
Initiate contact with your Little on a consistent basis to schedule conversations and activities
Meet consistently (3-5 hours per month) with your Little for at least one year
Maintain ongoing communication with Big Brothers Big Sisters staff
BIGS need to commit to at least one year of mentoring that involves at least 3-5 hours per month. Bigs also need to be willing to work with BBBSLC Match Support Specialists to gain the necessary training, guidance and support to help make the match successful.
Ready to Be a BIG?
If you are interested in becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, please click below to complete the form and a BBBSLC staff member will reach out to you soon.
Are you a High School Student? Volunteer with us!
You can MAKE A DIFFERENCE if you have:
30-45 minutes of spare time per week
The desire to be a friend and mentor for a child facing adversity
Click to complete the form below for more information.